1st: Peggy Steinman H. (NSA-G1), 4+, 19f-National Fences (P3, DD)


2nd: CLM, 4+, 6.5f (P5, P3, DD)

Most Likely: #2 Emerald Forest 5-1 5th
Next Best: #1a Excellent Timing 5-2 WON ($5.70)
Best Value: #4 Nolo Contesto 10-1 6th
Exotics Use: #11 Dangerous Ride 8-1 4th

3rd: NY-Mike Lee, 3yo, 7f (P4, P3, DD)

Really good 6-pack..

Best Value: #5 Grand Opening 8-1 2nd
Next Best: #3 Elysian Meadows 6-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #4 Doc Sullivan 5-2 WON ($4.20)

4th: NY-ALW/N1X, F&M-3+, 7f (P3, DD)

Most Likely: #6 Speightful Lily 1-1 WON ($2.50)
Best Value: #7 Mommasgottagun 10-1 4th
Next Best: #5 Cap Ferrat Late SCR
Exotics Use: #8 Scoring Chance SCR

5th: NY-MCLM/$40k, 3+, 1m-OFF/TURF (P5, P3, DD)

Most Likely: #9 Big Ego 5-2 2nd
Next Best: #13 Mama’s Middle 9-2 10th
Best Value: #10 Charming Jim 10-1 9th
Exotics Use: #5 Az U Chase Me 9-2 WON ($11.60)

6th: NY-Commentator, 3+, 9f (P4, P3, DD)

Best Value: #1 Sherriff Bianco 6-1 5th
Next Best: #2 Drake’s Passage 7-5 WON ($3.80)
Exotics Use: #3 Dr Ardito 5-1 6th
Super Add: #4 Whittington Park 6-1 3rd

7th: NY-MCLM/$40k, F&M-3+, 1m-OFF/TURF (P6, P3, DD)

Best Value: #1 Sendera 12-1 3rd
Next Best: #8 Rainingatthebeach 10-1 WON ($7.30)
Exotics Use: #10 Rozay Summer 4-1 9th
Super Add: #14 Tone of Silence 20-1 7th

8th: NY-Critical Eye, F&M-3+, 9f (P5, G/S, P3, DD)

Best Value: #7 Sunset Louise 8-1 4th
Next Best: #2 Venti Valentine 3-1 WON ($7.90)
Exotics Use: #6 Midtown Lights 6-1 5th
Super Add: #8 Fingal’s Cave 2-1 6th

9th: NY-ALW/N1X, 3+, 1m-OFF/TURF (P4, P3, DD)

Most Likely: #16 Bad Larry 3rd
Next Best: #3 Miracle Mike 4th
Exotics Use: #1 Starquist 5th

10th: NY-Mount Vernon, F&M-4+, 1m-OFF/TURF (P3, DD)

Most Likely: #1 Silver Skillet WON ($8.40)
Next Best: #10 Tough Street 3rd
Exotics Use: #9 Stonewall Star 2nd

11th: NY-Bouwerie, 3yo-F, 7f (DD)

Most Likely: #5 La Banquera 4-1 6th
Best Value: #9 Bernietakescharge 10-1 5th
Next Best: #7 Landed 3-1 WON ($5.50)
Exotics Use: #4 Sunday Girl 8-1 7th

12th: NY-Kingston, 4+, 1m-OFF/TURF

Most Likely: #1 Spirit of St Louis WON ($3.70)
Next Best: #5 Maker’s Candy 3rd
Exotics Use: #3 Jerry the Nipper 4th