5th: MSW, 3+, 9f (P6, P3, DD)
Pedigrees on parade including Rachel Alexandra’s half brother (Wooderson), BC Distaff winner Pleasant Home 3yo by Orb (Domain), Barbara Fritchie winner Royal Michele 4yo (Zealous), 3x G2 winner Miss Isella 3yo (Point to Remember) and more..
Most Likely: #8 Point to Remember 7-2
Best Value: #7 Top Me Off 20-1
Next Best: #5 Domain 2-1
Exotics Use: #3 Stealth 8-1
6th: S/ALW, 3+, 5.5f-T (NYRA Bets P5, G/S, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #5 Bam Bam Blu 3-1
Next Best: ##4 Wet Your Whistle 6-1
Best Value: #1 Heldatgunpoint 15-1
Exotics Use: #8 Fuel the Bern 7-2
7th: MSW, F&M-3+, 7f (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #9 Big Birthday 5-2
Next Best: #1 Mybigitalianfriend 6-1
Best Value: #6 Say It Softly 20-1
Exotics Use: #4 French Empire 6-1
8th: ALW/N1X, F&M-3+, 1m-IT (P3, DD)
Most Likely: #5 Dancing Breeze 5-2
Best Value: #4 Queen Mum 8-1
Next Best: #6 Lion in Wait 4-1
Exotics Use: #10 Jaunt 6-1
9th: 101st Coaching Club American Oaks (G1), 3yo-F, 9f (DD)
Taking a flyer here on Gio Game who has been held back from other 3yo-F spots for this. She’s still moving forward and can press Monomoy Girl from the bell or go if fave takes back. Bisou gets back to 2 turns and can sit and see how things unfold..
Best Value: #5 Gio Game 10-1
Next Best: #2 Midnight Bisou 7-5
Exotics Use: #4 Monomoy Girl 4-5
10th: MSW, F&M-3+, 1m-IT
Best Value: #4 Tap Tap Taparoo 6-1
Next Best: #9 Competitionofideas 5-2
Exotics Use: #2 Compression 4-1
Super Add: #3 Asticou Trail 5-1
P5 Grid:
6: 4-5 (A), – (B), 1-3-7-8 (C)
7: 1-9 (A), 6 (B), 3-5-8 (C)
8: 4-5 (A), 6-10 (B), 7-9 (C)
9: 2-4-5 (A), – (B), 1-3 (C)
10: 2-4-9 (A), – (B), 1-3 (C)
Simple (A+B): 2x3x4x3x3 = 216 x .50 = $108
All A’s: 2x2x3x3 = 36 x .50 = $18
P4 Grid:
7: 1-9 (A), 3-6 (B), 5-8 (C)
8: 4-5 (A), 6-10 (B), 7-9 (C)
9: 2-4-5 (A), – (B), 1-3 (C)
10: 2-4-9 (A), – (B), 1-3 (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x4x3x3 = 144 x .50 = $72
All A’s: 2x2x3x3 = 36 x .50 = $18
Good luck!