Leg A: Tampa 6 (2:51 pm): Endeavor (G3), F&M-4+, 8.5f-T (P5, P3, DD)
Would love to get away with top two, but ‘other’ Chad Venencia and redirected Ocean Club give pause..
Most Likely: #4 Saffron Moon 5-2 WON ($5.60)
Best Value: #5 Breath Away 6-1 4th
Next Best: #9 Ocean Club 7-2 6th
Exotics Use: #6 Venencia 9-2 3rd
Leg B: Aqueduct 6 (3:17 pm): Toboggan, 4+, 7f (P4, P3, DD)
Terrific edition of this famed Morris Park standard, humorously inaugurated by John A. Morris in 1890..
Most Likely: #4 Coastal Mission 5-2 4th
Best Value: #5 Runninsonofagun 9-2 2nd
Next Best: #2 Full Moon Madness 7-2 3rd
Exotics Use: #6 Nelson Avenue 9-2 6th
Leg C: Oaklawn 5 (3:29 pm): MDN/OC-$, 3+, 1m (P3, DD)
Several here have chance, especially because Brother Tony looks like a refusenik..
Most Likely: #7 Bermuda Blitz 5-2 WON ($10.40)
Best Value: #3 Lebombo 10-1 3rd
Next Best: #5 Brother Tony 8/5 4th
Exotics Use: #1 Walstib 9-2 6th
Leg D: Oaklawn 6 (4:00 pm): ALW/N1X, F&M-4+, 8.5f (P5, P3, DD)
Best Value: #5 Majestic Oops 4-1 5th
Next Best: #6 Xena 5-2 8th
Exotics Use: #3 Claret Beret 6-1 WON ($6.80)
Super Add: #4 Lemon Muffin 5-1 4th
Leg E: Tampa 9 (4:23 pm): Tampa Bay (G3), 4+, 8.5f-T (Hi-5)
Always harrowing to single in the anchor leg, but given the depth of the earlier legs, relying on Running Bee feels like the logical approach..
Most Likely: #2 Running Bee 8/5 WON ($4.00)
Next Best: #3 Paros 4-1 –
Best Value: #4 Northern Invader 9-2 2nd
Exotics Use: #7 Irish Aces 7-2 3rd
P5 Grid:
A: 4-5 (A), – (B), 6-9 (C)
B: 2-4-5 (A), – (B), 1-3-6 (C)
C: 3-7 (A), 1-2-5 (B), – (C)
D: 3-6-10 (A), 1-4 (B), – (C)
E: 2 (A), – (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 2x3x5x5x1 = 150 x .50 = $75
All A’s: 2x3x2x3x1 = 36 x .50 = $18
Backup #1 (CAAAA): 2x3x2x3x1 = 36 x .50 = $18 (6-9 in Leg A)
Backup #2 (ACAAA): 2x3x2x3x1 = 36 x .50 = $18 (1-3-6 in Leg B)
$0.50 Pick 5 (4,10/1/7/3,7,10/2,5) Paid $604.75 (A-C-A-A-A)