7th: La Prevoyante (G3), F&M-4+, 12f-T (P3, DD)
Best Value: #2 Whatlovelookslike 12-1 4th
Next Best: #4 La Mehena 9-2 3rd
Exotics Use: #3 Chop Chop 7-2 2nd
Super Add: #5 Beautiful Love 5-2 6th
8th: Fred Hooper (G3), 4+, 1m (Rainbow 6, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #5 Tumbarumba 2-1 3rd
Next Best: #3 Rocket Can 3-1 4th
Best Value: #9 Cape Trafalgar 8-1 7th
Exotics Use: #7 Upstanding 5-1 6th
9th: William McKnight (G3), 4+, 12f-T (P5, $3 Turf P3, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #1 Limited Liability 3-1 3rd
Best Value: #5 Anglophile 10-1 10th
Next Best: #11 Bold Act 2-1 4th
Exotics Use: #3 Cathkin Peak 20-1 6th
Turf P3 Grid:
9: 1 (A), – (B), – (C)
10: 1-3-6-10-11 (A), – (B), – (C)
12: 3-4-7-8-10 (A), – (B), – (C)
All A’s: 1x5x5 = 25 x $3 = $75
10th: Pegasus F&M Turf (G2), F&M-4+, 8.5f-T (P4, P3, DD)
Best Value: #11 Bless My Stars 8-1 6th
Next Best: #1 Raqiya 4-1 5th
Exotics Use: #10 Sacred Wish 9-2 2nd
Super Add: #6 Dona Clota 12-1 10th
11th (4:20pm ET): Inside Information (G2), F&M-4+, 7f (P3, DD)
Most Likely: #7 Mystic Lake WON ($6.40)
Next Best: #9 Emery 2nd
Exotics Use: #8 Olivia Darling 4th
P5 Grid:
GP 11: 7 (A), – (B), – (C)
GP 12: 3-4-10 (A), – (B), 5-7-8 (C)
SA 5: 4-5-7 (A), – (B), – (C)
GP 13: 6-11 (A), 2-4-10 (B), – (C)
SA 10: 4-6 (A), – (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 1x3x3x5x2 = $90
All A’s: 1x3x3x2x2 = $36
Backup (ACAAA): 1x3x3x2x2 = $36 (5-7-8 in GP 12th)
12th: Pegasus Turf (G1), 4+, 9f-T (DD)
Best Value: #10 Battle of Normandy 20-1 11th
Next Best: #3 Mi Hermano Ramon 8-1 4th
Exotics Use: #4 Win for the Money 12-1 7th
Super Add: #8 Spirit of St Louis 20-1 WON ($17.80)
SANTA ANITA 5th: OC/N1X, 4+, 6f (P6, $3 Turf P3, DD)
Most Likely: #4 Noble Reflection 8-5 3rd
Next Best: #7 Into It 15-1 7th
Best Value: #5 Santo Dios 30-1 9th
Exotics Use: #6 Irish Royalty 7-2 DH-4th
13th: Pegasus (G1), 4+, 9f (Hi-5)
Best Value: #6 Stronghold 10-1 10th
Next Best: #11 Locked 5-2 2nd
Exotics Use: #2 Saudi Crown 9-2 5th
Super Add: #10 Skippylongstocking 10-1 3rd
P5 Grid:
9: 1-5 (A), – (B), 3-11 (C)
10: 1-10-11 (A), – (B), – (C)
11: 7 (A), – (B), – (C)
12: 3-4-10 (A), 5-7-8 (B), – (C)
13: 6-11 (A), 2-4-10 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 2x3x1x6x5 = 180 x .50 = $90
All A’s: 2x3x1x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18
Backup (CAAAA): 2x3x1x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18 (3-11 in 9th)
P4 Grid:
10: 1-10-11 (A), – (B), – (C)
11: 7 (A), – (B), 8-9 (C)
12: 3-4-8-10 (A), 5-7 (B), – (C)
13: 2-6-11 (A), 4-10 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 3x1x6x5 = 90 x .50 = $45
All A’s: 3x1x4x2 = 24 x .50 = $12
Backup (CAAAA): 3x2x4x2 = 48 x .50 = $24 (8-9 in 11th)
SANTA ANITA 10th: OC/N1X, F&M-4+, 9f-T (Hi-5)
Best Value: #4 Lady Claypoole 6-1 WON ($17.80)
Next Best: #6 Kentucky Gal 5-2 4th
Exotics Use: #2 Strutting 9-2 2nd
Super Add: #8 Star of the Night 8-1 6th